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Email Signatures that Convert

Email Signatures that Convert

Ever get an email, scroll to the bottom, and then get so enticed by the signature that you find yourself clicking on links and finding all new places to explore?!?  Ya… me either!  Not very often anyway. But occasionally, I have a beautifully formatted and clearly...
7 Networking Tips for Introverts

7 Networking Tips for Introverts

Networking can be this heavy weight on a mamas chest when you’re already an introverted personality.  But, even the most introverted mama can have massive success growing their business if they employ conscious networking principles, with a little extra care for their...
Why Customer Experience Matters

Why Customer Experience Matters

I recently had an experience that got me thinking about customer service and why customer experience matters so much in business. I bought a dining room table from a big company, and after using it one single time, there were water cup stains all over it. When I...
Collaboration Over Competition… Always

Collaboration Over Competition… Always

We’ve all heard it… Community/collaboration over competition wins every time. You know it with your mind, but what about your heart? What about your actions? What I mean is, it’s easy to get sucked back into the competition and comparison game. Even though we know...
Why Should I Hire a Business Coach?

Why Should I Hire a Business Coach?

If you’ve found yourself wandering somewhat aimlessly in this online business wilderness, you’re not alone. This journey can get confusing and overwhelming because there’s so much to think about. Content creation, marketing, sales, and tech… and that’s just the...