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7 Networking Tips for Introverts

by | May 11, 2022 | Networking Tips

Networking can be this heavy weight on a mamas chest when you’re already an introverted personality.  But, even the most introverted mama can have massive success growing their business if they employ conscious networking principles, with a little extra care for their personality and energy needs.


I know that being around groups of people can deplete your energy, but let me tell you… playing the “hustle” game will lead you straight to burnout. And that will get you into a downward spiral really quick.


“So how do I do it, Ashley?” I’ve got you, mama. Let me tell you why you are a BOSS at networking and give you some networking tips for introverts.


Why Introverts Are BETTER at networking

Here’s some encouragement for you. Introverts are often better at networking and sales than extroverts! You know why? Because people LOVE talking about themselves. And you, my dear introvert, will be there to listen.


They talk, you listen. They feel heard, you build trust. You ask questions, they keep talking. It’s a total win situation for you!


But I get it, you’re still a little anxious about networking. So here are 7 networking tips for introverts to help you have a game plan!

two business mamas sitting at a table at a networking event smiling

7 Networking Tips for Introverts


1. Network with Intention

We call that conscious networking or networking with purpose, which means you are strategic with your time, energy, and resources.

2. Prepare Yourself

Take the time to visualize yourself at the event engaging with new faces.  Take a deep breath before you walk into the event, and remember to breathe at the event.  Try to remain aware of your body language: smile casually and keep an open frame. Don’t think you’re the only introvert in the room.

3. Have a Networking or Business Bestie

This can ease the tension when you first arrive to a new situation.  But, make sure you don’t just engage with your bff the whole time.  Arrive, engage, and then move on to new conversations and people separately.

4. Engage the Conversation Strategically

Use your great listening skills to ask questions and be an active listener.  This will get you far. Remember what I said about networking for introverts… you are BETTER at it than extroverts! (shhhh…don’t tell them I said that).

networking tips for introverts - image of group of women at a mompire networking even

5. Challenge Yourself

You are capable of great things, including being a successful conscious networker!  Make a goal to help you stay focused and engaged while networking.

6. Schedule Time to Decompress

If networking exhausts you, make sure to network consciously and then take time to recoup after. Take it easy the day following a networking event to gain back your energy and do something that fills your cup and brings you joy.

7. Look for Intimate Engagement

Whether this is events or follow-up, you may feel most comfortable and thus, most successful, if you engage in smaller settings where you’re not overstimulated.  Ask yourself if this works for you, and seek out those settings.


Join a Community!


Honestly, this is bonus tip #8 and is a bit of a plug for the amazing MOMpire Network membership. But here’s the thing… jumping into new networking event environments (even when done consciously, can get exhausting for anyone… introvert or not. So here’s what I suggest: FIND YOUR TRIBE! Find a community of women that you see, collaborate with, and mastermind with on a consistent basis. 


JOIN A COMMUNITY that makes you feel welcome —>


graphic that reads "the mompire network"

Join Us In The MOMpire Network Membership where we create genuine connections, connect with other mamas and referral partners, thrive in community with each other, and make real business deals.